Jen's Den of Iniquity is a fascinating blog about one woman's experiences as an American expat in London. I interviewed to Jen to find out more...
What dreams did you have for yourself as a child and are you living them out?
I did actually dream of living in London one day, back when I was a little girl reading Mary Poppins books. And I dreamt of traveling the world, so I guess I can tick that box too. I also dreamt of being a bus driver - that never materialized. ;-)
What was your impetus for becoming an expat and did you put a lot of thought/planning before moving?
I had just turned 30, recently divorced, feeling adrift and needing to take charge of my life. I was looking for something to turn my world upside-down. London was a thought that had always been in the back of my head, until I realized that if I was ever going to do it, the time was now. It took me about 4 months to get my plans together - getting rid of a house full of stuff, getting a visa, and getting over here. I think if I'd stopped to think about it for more than a nanosecond, I would have chickened out - but as it turned out, jumping in with both feet was the best thing I could have done, because it forced me to rely on myself. It was far from a smooth experience, but it gave me such incredible confidence to be able to make it happen.
You recently completed a trip around the world with stops along the way that included Beijing, Fiji, Australia and San Jose. Did you ever have any apprehension about long term travel and how did you get past it?
I was only nervous about not knowing what to expect. But once I got off the plane in Beijing, suddenly I was *doing it*, and the nervousness was gone. You're too busy trying to figure things out to be nervous! And after a month or so, you just find yourself living day to day, completely in the moment...and you never want it to end. Thinking back on my initial nervousness makes me laugh.
What qualities do you find that people around the world share?
99% of people around the world are good people, just trying to do the best they can. We all want the same things - peace, security, a better future for our families. There is much more that unites us than divides us.
What are our major differences?
Just opinions on how to best achieve peace, security and a better future for our families. That's all, really.
What brings you comfort and joy?
Confidence in myself, the love of family and friends, the smell in the air on the first sunny day of spring, watching my cat sleep with his paw over his nose. What more can you want out of life?
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