
I'm passionate about finding and sharing ideas that feed creativity and inspiration in this weary world. Because we're so surrounded with illusion and lies, I hope this blog will help others in their quest to get a bit closer to the truth. I'd also like to say that opinions expressed in this blog are not necessarily mine or those featured here. Oh, and if you choose to use any images/words from this site, kindly obtain permission from all relevant parties and add the necessary links and references.

Monday, August 11, 2008

It's all coming back to me...

Hi all,

I 've been traveling the world and am slowly getting back to writing. I apologize for the long wait, but the good news is that I am returning with a fresh perspective of the world and how other countries/cultures see America. Everyone seems to have their eyes on us like a younger sibling and we, like the older sibling don't really take much notice. Hopefully this will change as the world continues to get smaller and as we keep reaching out to each other via the magic that is the internet.

To anyone who is the least bit apprehensive about traveling, I have just one thing to say to you. Go. Life is short and the people of the world for the most part are helpful and friendly. Yes people can be grumpy, quite a few of them live here. Don't listen to your television. Everyone is not out to get you. People still love Americans (especially the money they think we have!) If you find yourself lost, people will stop and give you directions. Some will even walk you to your destination. Strange foods are yummy. Oh, and any country offering "drinking water" is doing so for a reason.

Tomorrow isn't promised to us. Do what you want to do. Today.

Be well,


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