
I'm passionate about finding and sharing ideas that feed creativity and inspiration in this weary world. Because we're so surrounded with illusion and lies, I hope this blog will help others in their quest to get a bit closer to the truth. I'd also like to say that opinions expressed in this blog are not necessarily mine or those featured here. Oh, and if you choose to use any images/words from this site, kindly obtain permission from all relevant parties and add the necessary links and references.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Interview: Organic Observations

The Henry Rollins Show is one of the few talk shows I can watch and not feel like my intelligence is being insulted. Henry was kind enough to do this interview while touring Europe. (image courtesy of henryrollins.com)

When you were a kid, what dreams did you have for yourself?

if I had any, I don’t remember them now. I had no idea of the future at all really. I didn’t think more than minute to minute.

What challenges do you face in your life and how do you get past them?
In my line of work, I am forced at some point to look at numbers and constantly compare. Ticket sales, up or down from last time, merch sales, how’s my company doing, up or down from last year, etc. This is not unique, it’s business but when it’s a human thing, like how many people are coming to the show, if it’s less than last time, you have to take that and sometimes it’s not all that easy. I deal with a lot of work and a lot of pressure and the nature of the work is such that I am almost always in performance or delivery mode. This can be very challenging. The way I deal with all this is to just get it done and go onto the next thing I guess. I live alone and spend a great deal of time alone, that is perhaps the best way to deal with the challenges I face. I don’t talk to someone about this stuff and that’s probably what keeps me able to hit it. I think intimate relationships are destructive to resolve and progress.

You are very politically and socially aware. What influences your views?
What I see. What I have been through. That’s it really. I see what I see, it’s all right in front of you, then I find the political issue the example falls under and I learn what I can. For instance, where I come from, the bad neighborhoods are still bad. What’s the problem? Why doesn’t anything change? You find out why and from that organic observation and the process that keeps that neighborhood bad, you derive opinions about policy and the mechanics of the politics. It all starts from a very street level take on things. I have been from Sweden to Belgium via Germany, Switzerland and Holland and no snow in sight in January. I have not needed more than a sweatshirt since I’ve been in Europe and it’s January. That tells me all I need to know about climate change. I have watched the weather get warmer for years because I am out here in this all the time. From observations like this, I go forth.

How were you able to convince the executives at ifc to take a chance on The Henry Rollins Show? (if this is too controversial, skip it)
Controversial? We pitched the show to them, they paid for a broadcast ready demo, we did it, they liked it and ordered a season and here we are together still four years later.

I think the world is always difficult to navigate for unconventional people. How do you deal with the demon of self acceptance?
I accept myself totally. I am what I am. I am very in touch with my inner motherfucker.

What brings you comfort and joy?
What brings me relief and a brief cessation from depression and anxiety, you mean? Nothing really. Comfort and joy don’t really exist in my world.

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