
I'm passionate about finding and sharing ideas that feed creativity and inspiration in this weary world. Because we're so surrounded with illusion and lies, I hope this blog will help others in their quest to get a bit closer to the truth. I'd also like to say that opinions expressed in this blog are not necessarily mine or those featured here. Oh, and if you choose to use any images/words from this site, kindly obtain permission from all relevant parties and add the necessary links and references.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy V-Day!

Today V is for valentine, but it can also be for vagina, vigilance and victory. Hopefully someday I'll get to interview Eve Ensler who wrote the Vagina Monologues, but for now I'll happily tell you about the movement that was conceived from the play. V-day is a global movement to end violence against women and girls. As women, so many of us spend this day obsessing about who we're not with and what we're not getting when we really should be celebrating love and sharing it the best way we can. Quit feeling sorry for yourself and click on the graphic to find out more!

1 musings:

Thanks for dropping by my blog. As to how I found yours, I cannot say for sure; maybe it came from your comment on Haiku girls' post?
I usually visit those who respond to mine, follow commenters on theirs ad anfinitum . An exponential progression which is hard to backtrack from. Sometimes I find and comment on an interesting poem or interview (yours) and they don't come back to visit so they are lost to history till I maybe happen upon them again. Randomness
If blogging didn't exist, someone would have to invent it, to paraphrase the "god" quote. I plan to read your gonzo-guy interview, I too appreciated Hunter.

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